The team at Proactive Pelvic Health Centre is passionate about pelvic health and very active in raising awareness through advocacy and education. Here are just some of the ways we do:
In the Media
Priolo, Alexsia. ‘Period Pieces: Hormonal Myths of the Menstruating Woman’ The Whole Family Magazine. Spring 2019 pg. 25-27. ( part 1 | part 2 )
Bergman, Randi. ‘The Vagina Dialogues’ Glory Magazine. Issue 001 Spring 2019, pg. 44-45.
Conference Presentations
Bairstow, A. & Montano-Bresolin, A. (2015). Male pelvic health conditions: Towards an interdisciplinary approach. Biannual Meeting. Board of Examiners in Sex Therapy & Counselling in Ontario (BESTCO). Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A., Montano-Bresolin, A., & Sulit, J. (2015). A multi-disciplinary approach to
genito-pelvic pain disorder. 47th Annual Conference. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Bairstow, A., Montano-Bresolin, A., & Sulit, J. (2015). An integrated approach to treating pelvic health conditions in males. 37th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference, University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A., & Marsman, J. (2015). Using psychoeducational exercises in sex therapy. Biannual Meeting. Board of Examiners in Sex Therapy & Counselling in Ontario (BESTCO). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Meade, Andrea (2014). Making Movement Make Sense: Physiotherapy Perspectives in Endometriosis. Endometriosis Network Symposium, Marriott Eaton Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A., & Montano-Bresolin, A. (2014). Sex shouldn’t be a pain in the pelvis. 36th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference, University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2013). Pelvic health physiotherapy. North York General Hospital Family Medicine Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2012). What is pelvic health physiotherapy? Biannual Meeting. Board of Examiners in Sex Therapy & Counselling in Ontario (BESTCO). Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Community/Healthcare Provider Presentations
Montano-Bresolin, A., Meade, A., Wong, M., McDougall, C., Maher, L. (2015-present). Pelvic floor physiotherapy for new moms and moms-to-be. Mommy Connections. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2017-18). Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: Collaborative Care with Midwifery. Ryerson University, Midwifery Program. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., & Maher, L. (2017). Prostate Surgery Care. Albany Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A & Priolo, A. (2017). Bump to Baby Show – Toronto East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2016-17). Overactive Pelvic Floor. Obgyn SMH and MGH, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., & Bairstow, A. (2015). Female pelvic pain conditions: Towards an interdisciplinary approach. Centre for Interprofessional Collaboration: University of Toronto, Toronto General Hospital. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., & Bairstow, A. (2015). Treating pelvic health conditions in males. Albany Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., & Bairstow, A. (2015). A multi-disciplinary approach to treating pelvic pain and incontinence. Albany Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2014). Pelvic health physiotherapy: Dispelling myths and changing trends. Ryerson University, Midwifery Program. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A. (2014). Sex, love, and therapy. Holistic Alliance Professional Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2014). A physiotherapy approach to the treatment of pelvic pain. Mount Sinai Hospital, Wasser Pain Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A. (2014). Erectile dysfunction: Conceptualizations and the role of sex therapy. Toronto Public Health, Sexual Health Clinics. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., Bairstow, A., & Sulit, J. (2014). An interdisciplinary approach to pelvic pain. Toronto Public Health, Sexual Health Clinics. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Dew, C., & Bairstow, A. (2013). Infertility: The role of acupuncture and psychotherapy. Albany Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A. (2013). Communication in relationships. Mumvet. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bairstow, A. (2013). Postpartum Sex. Modern Mama. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A., & Bairstow, A. (2013). An introduction to pelvic floor physiotherapy and sex therapy. Albany Clinic. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2013). Pelvic health physiotherapy: During and after pregnancy. Modern Mama. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Montano-Bresolin, A. (2013). Pelvic health physiotherapy: To kegel or not? The Women’s Show. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
We would love to speak to you and your team about the importance of pelvic health.