Women’s Health Campaign – Take Charge of your Pelvic Health
Proactive Pelvic Health Centre recently participated in Mediaplanet Canada’s Women’s Health campaign in the Toronto Star and online. Many women’s health issues go untreated or unrecognized for too long due to stigma, shyness or lack of education or awareness. This campaign covers women’s cancers, sexual health and fertility, as well as niche conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other pelvic health conditions that are greatly underrepresented.
We encourage Canadian women to learn more and take control of their pelvic health. The campaign is published online and you can read about pelvic pain and more at http://www.personalhealthnews.ca/patient-perspective/multi-disciplinary-treatment-helps-women-manage-pelvic-pain-limit-damage-to-personal-lives